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Need some help shrinking stubborn body fat? Allow us to help you shape and contour your body exactly how you want it with our BodyFX and MiniFX Treatments at Élan Laser Spa. If you have cellulite or stubborn body fat and want a treatment that has zero downtime and won't interrupt your current lifestyle, BodyFX is here for you.


BodyFX and Mini FX Treatments

BodyFX is a long-lasting, non-invasive solution for fat reduction and skin tightening. It is the perfect solution to get rid of stubborn fat and helps you look your best. The treatment involves the usage of a combination of clinically proven modalities, including deep tissue heating, suction, and radiofrequency energy. There is no downtime, and the BodyFX treatment does not prevent you from indulging in regular day-to-day activities. The treatment encourages healthy habits and is ideal for people with unwanted fat and also for people with a healthy lifestyle. Furthermore, BodyFX treatments can be customized to address your specific needs.


MiniFx is a treatment for fat reduction and skin tightening on smaller areas such as the chin and targeting cellulite. The process involves distributing heat by radiofrequency energy to the skin and underlying fat. The vacuum and controlled energy pulses work synergistically to achieve the desired results.


BodyFX/MiniFX can be used almost anywhere on the body where excess fat is found. The most common areas include:



Bra line

Love handles

Back of legs


Inside legs

Saddle bags


How does BodyFX Work?

BodyFX uses radio-frequency, deep tissue heating and suction to effectively kill fat cells and tighten the skin. The RF energy distributes heat to the skin and underlying fat, causing the tissue to heat and contract. The suction and controlled energy pulses then work synergistically to provide beautiful body shaping results.


Does it hurt?

Most clients find the BodyFX treatments comfortable and not painful. During the session, you can expect to feel a gentle pulling sensation and heat as the radio frequency and vacuum work to smooth out unwanted stubborn pockets of fat.


Immediately after treatment, some redness and warmth can be seen and felt in the treated area. Both should disappear roughly an hour following the procedure.


How many sessions are required?

A typical treatment course consists of 8 sessions (or 4 double sessions) performed over a four to eight week period. Gradual improvements in the treatment area can be seen following the first few treatments with optimal results showing six weeks after the final treatment. The skin's surface will feel smoother and softer immediately.


Each session takes between 20 and 60 minutes, depending on the area being treated.


Is there a post-procedure process?

There is absolutely no downtime for BodyFX and MiniFX; it is considered a lunchtime procedure. Clients will notice redness and warmth in the treated area, which will subside after a couple hours. The feeling is similar to after a deep tissue massage and will not prevent any regular activities.


What can be treated?

BodyFX is ideal for contouring and sculpting the body, reducing body circumference, tightening loose or sagging skin and improving the appearance of cellulite.


Treatment areas may include (but are not limited to):


  • Abdomen

  • Love handles

  • Back of arms

  • Bra fat

  • Legs

  • Knees

  • Double chin

  • Back

BodyFX Pricing

8 Sessions Treatment packages


$800 - $3200



Bra Bulge






Love Handles


Back of Legs

$1600 - $3200

Saddle Bags


Single Sessions starting from $125

Larger combination packages available

*Prices do not include HST


Get in touch to learn more!

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